About: Liz Berry

Recent Posts by Liz Berry

Your Astounding Powerful Mind

Imagine your thoughts about what you eat actually changing the hormone that says "Hey I am SATISFIED!!" A group of researcher who are chronically curious about the physiological and psychological drivers of eating and satisfaction wanted to see if the mind-set about the WHAT eaten influences the body chemistry. In a nutshell they took 46 people...
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  Virtually everyone I speak with who works (so pretty much everybody) confesses to the strong tide pulling them to the shore of “office treats.”  Some  deal with tighter clothes and others know they would never eat donuts, coffee cake, Girl Scout cookies, candy and so on if it didn’t hit them in the face when they go...
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Obituary Notice: Diets

Born: 1900 USA Death: February 2016 USA


  • Millions lose billions of pounds. Most regain all weight in less than 5 years
  • Inventor of eating disorders, disordered eating, body dissatisfaction
  • Slaveholder of  body confidence and joyful exercise
  • Murderer: ephedra alkaloid dietary supplements
  • Euphoria with weight loss,
  • Despair with weight regain plus, plus, plus


To best honor all who brought Diet to life. www.cnn.com/2013/02/08/health/diets-through-history


Pending  to...
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