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“Don’t focus so much on that one perfect superfood. There is no such thing. Focus instead on an overall super diet.” – Neily on Nutrition
Questions and Answers About the REFINE® Online Coaching Program
Q: I’m considering joining your REFINE® program. But I like having a defined plan because sometimes too many choices leaves me feeling overwhelmed, but at the same time I don’t want to keep going on a restricted plan then gaining and losing. Is this a good plan for me right now? How much direction will it give me? And how much will I need to do?

A: While the basis of this program is that this is not a “diet” – the truth is each and everyday we are all on a “diet”. A diet is simply what you eat on a day to day basis. During our initial private session, if a food plan is what you need…then that is what we work on. So the answer is yes, you will receive a plan and guidance on what to eat and how often/when to exercise.
However my goal is to EMPOWER you to make the decisions and take action to give you the results you need. I know you are busy and time is short. But, if you want to feel better on the inside and live better on the outside, you have to make a decision everyday to show up and do something to bring you closer to your goal. This program is about taking action and REFINING day to day habits …those things that are getting in the way of you feeling your best!

Q: What is the difference with an online program vs. the other one on one sessions you offer?

A: My online coaching programs are some of the most comprehensive programs that I offer. This particular program also includes 2 – 1 on 1 sessions as well as daily motivational and inspirational emails and all week long! In addition I host a weekly tele-seminar. This program is designed for people who need things to be easy while also getting the support, engagement, inspiration and motivation to reach their goals. Daily e-mails and accountability helps with this. The online program keeps you focused and reminds you WHAT you are working towards and WHY you want to create healthier lifestyle. Making any change is tough and the more support we can receive, the more likely we are to reach our goals. This program is comprehensive and convenient. It does not require you to travel to one more appointment! You can do all the work and communication through your phone or computer 🙂 Giving you more time to do the things you love!

Q: What if I don’t know how to do Skype?

A: No worries! Don’t let technology be the intimidating factor. If Skype is not your thing there are a few other ways we can meet for our one – on – one appointments:
• Face Time
• Telephone Call
• Face to face in Ahwatukee
Remember, if there is a will…there is always a way!

Q: What are teleseminars / webinars and how do I attend?

A: Teleseminars and webinars are information packed sessions where I will present on a different topic to help educate and inspire you to keep on going – all from the convenience of your desk, phone, home, etc.
These teleseminars / webinars are a NEW addition to my online programs…I have not done them before but think they will be a great way to keep you ENGAGED all week long. The daily e-mails are awesome, but let’s never forget the power that comes when listening to someone speak and us hearing their words. If you cannot attend the tele seminar no worries! With the  REFINE program you will automatically be sent a recording after the sessions. These sessions are gong to be scheduled for every Wednesday, at 10:00 PT. Topics will vary depending on the weeks theme and questions that participants ask throughout the week.

Q: What if I don’t like this program?

A: One thing I have learned is that there will be different strokes for different folks…and that is OKAY! I want people invested in my program who see and feel the value of working together through an online medium. But I also know this program is not for everyone. So if after 2 weeks you decided this program is not for you, I will give you a refund. No questions asked, no hard feelings. The only thing I want you to do before you ask for your refund is to give it your all during the first 14 day period. The key is to get started with something that fits with your life, lifestyle, values and goals.
But in the end I want clients who want to work with me. If after a 2 week period you decide my style and approach just doesn’t jive with what you are looking for…it is all good. You get a refund and I hope you find something that does work for you! I just hope you stay on my Peaceful Eating newsletter list so we can stay in touch 🙂

Q: What if I need extra support?

A: I have designed this program to be very engaging & supportive…I really think if you participate in everything included, you will find it is more than enough support.
• Reading your morning emails
• Listening to the webinars
• Submitting your weekly food journals
• Scheduling your monthly private session
I understand some people enjoy additional personal engagement.  Should that be you, weekly or bi-weekly sessions are available and we can make that happen!

Q: I hate paying with PayPal. Do you accept other forms of payment?

A: Yes. Please do not let your feelings about Pay Pal deter you from taking the steps to take control of your health. You can mail a check or during our initial session I can take a credit card over the phone….easy-peasy!

Any other questions? Send me an e-mail!

ABOUT Berry Nutrition

Berry Nutrition offers personal solutions for smart, capable, successful people who want to find the secret to possess ultimate well-being even when life is crazy!

Coaching is analogous to personal fitness training. The focus is on becoming the best version of you right now at whatever your stage of life. Liz offers each and every person a safe place to enhance their health and well-being.

Give yourself the present of 10 weeks to Refine!


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