Epic Formula to Peace With Food
Mindfulness is so beautiful. Getting stuck in ruts in your schedule and more especially your thoughts easily obstructs the beauty. Today I am sharing some thoughts on mindfulness and peace. Who doesn’t want more peace?
I hope you love this quote. You can use it to eliminate the compulsion of dieters to judge and compare. Do you really feel more peaceful when you judge yourself and compare yourself to others?
“Set peace of mind as your highest goal and organize your life around it”
~ Brian Tracy
Simplifying peace to a goal makes my heart beat a little faster. Peace with food can be just as simple. Belief + Goal + Actions = PEACE! I bet you are great at organizing once you know where you want to go.
I’ve shared before about my struggles ( aka no peace) with cookies. You may not know but I literally grew up having dessert 3-4 times a day plus a sweet breakfast. When I started dieting as a teenager by the time I got to college I graduated to cookie binges. Even when I became an intuitive eater I still struggled to enjoy a peaceful quantity of cookies. I’m saying I can easily eat at least 6 cookies (if not a dozen) if I bake or someone brings me homemade cookies. True confession – I’ve eaten them straight from the freezer. They aren’t even particularly good frozen!!!
Setting a goal to have peace with your life and with food means figuring out what robs you of peace. Then think of step by step actions to implement one at a time. Reaching the peace of mind goal is not instant and for goodness sakes it certainly is not linear!!!
Many people share their chocolate “problem” with me. Having a peace with food goal sometimes means just that – enjoying what you like. My cookies aren’t evil – I just feel a distinct lack of peace when there is #nofilter in the quantity. When I calmly sit down with a beverage and 2 cookies on a plate and mindfully savor every bite this is peace. What is peace for you?
To get you thinking, here are some Peace Robbers:
- Stress
- Time crunch
- Feeling out of control
- Arbitrary food rules
- Wanting to eat for better nutrition but not changing
- Eating from bags, boxes and cartons